Benefits of Marlos Gut Health Powder
The benefits of Marlos Gut Health Powder are vast. This powder is specifically designed to help any dog suffering from gut health issues, whether it be ulcers, diarrhoea, constipation, or anything in-between. The powder contains all-natural ingredients that are human-grade and the product is made in Australia too! Each ingredient provides specific vitamins and minerals that will benefit your dog in many different ways. Milk Thistle Seed Powder, Dandelion Root Powder and Marshmallow Root Powder are all known for their ability to soothe the digestive tract. These key ingredients all come together in this powder, making it safe and effective for dogs suffering from gut issues.
These are the benefits from the ingredients used in Marlo's Gut Health Powder:
Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm soothes and lubricates the mucous membranes that line the digestive tract. It may also provide aid in treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory bowel problems. It’s high in fibre, which can help normalize intestinal action. It can be used to relieve both diarrhoea and constipation.

Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle provides support to the liver and other vital organs to aid in long term health. Since it is a powerful liver cleanser, it helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. Milk thistle is effective at naturally reversing the harmful effects of pesticides in the environment and food supply, heavy metals in the water supply, pollution in the air that we breathe and even poisons!
Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow Root helps restore the integrity of the gut lining by forming a protective layer around small junctions (avoiding leaky gut). It may also be beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion Root has many nourishing and healing properties for the digestive tract. The antioxidants in the dandelion root have been shown to be supportive to the liver as well. It also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help stop the growth of disease-causing bacteria.
Marlos Gut Health Powder is a powder that you can use as a preventative or during flare-ups. It's a great product to use when your dog may be suffering from any digestive issues as the ingredients in the powder are natural and will help your dog's digestive tract feel better naturally.
Note: This information is not meant to substitute the advice of a veterinarian. If you suspect your dog may be ill consult with your vet before treating it in the case that it's something more serious.